The Jewish Federation produces several annual programs at the Jewish Cultural Center.
Patriotic programs include the annual Independence Day Celebration. This is a party for all ages, with a live band, indoor and outdoor activities, a picnic lunch of barbeque and homemade sides, a live band. Past bands have included The Power Players Show Band, Deacon Bluz, In Cahoots, and Reliance.
For nearly ten years The First Amendment Dinner has been produced as a thank-you to local military veterans. Speakers have included radio personality Jeff Styles, Tennessee ACLU Director Hedy Weinberg, David Hudson (First Amendment Center), U.S. Senator Bob Corker, and Pulitzer Prize winning cartoonist Clay Bennett. In 2015 the speaker will be Southern Poverty Law Center founder Morris Dees.
Annual Jewish and Israeli programs include Chanukah, Yom HaShoah (Holocaust Remembrance Day), Yom Hazikaron (Memorial Day for Israeli Soldiers and victims of terrorism), Yom Ha'atzmaut (Israel’s Independence Day), and educational panels with local rabbis.
The Federation also hosts several very successful fundraisers every year including Chai Nite, Campaign Kick-Off, Major Gifts, and Super Sunday.
The Federation also produces quarterly education and entertainment-oriented dinners.
Monthly activities include Foreign Policy Supper Club, based on the Foreign Policy Association’s Great Decisions program, and Noon Nosh, an educational luncheon with rotating speakers.
The Jewish Cultural Center is a venue for programs, classes, and art exhibits as well as social services and a preschool, all rooted in Jewish values. The facility raises the visibility of the Jewish community, fosters relationships, and strengthens Jewish identity in the Chattanooga area.
The Federation is not a religious institution but is a cultural and social service organization. Services, weddings, bar/bat mitzvahs and other religious festivals and activities take place at the local congregations and in conjunction with local Jewish organizations.
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